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Participate in a Game Jam

What is a Game Jam?

  • An event where participants build a game based on a theme within a limited timeframe.
  • Participants, audiences, and/or judges then play the submitted games and vote which game was the best based on the judging criteria.
  • Teams can comprise of a individual or a group of people, up to the jam's team size limit.
  • Game Jams tend typically occur over a 48 hour or 72 hour timeframe.

Benefits of Participating in a Game Jam

  • Design and build novel games.
  • Put your skills to the test.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Work in a team.
  • Network with others.
  • Improve your portfolio.

How to join a Game Jam

Sign up and join a game jam online.

ggj-logo Ludum Dare Jam Jams

Game Jams are also hosted by local game developer organizations.

Meetup Logo Eventbrite Logo


Full List of Game Jams